Give way Foundation

CategoriesDisaster Relief Education Health

Successful Lifesaving Campaign at Mathru Nikethan School, Byappanahalli, Bangalore

we have successfully conducted the Ninth GiveWay Foundation’s lifesaving campaign of the year 2023 at Mathru Nikethan school Byappanahalli Bangalore. We have created awareness to around 150 students about the importance of giving way to Ambulance, Road safety, Traffic rules and Health. Thanks to school Management for giving a great opportunity and a significant push […]

CategoriesDisaster Relief Education Health Hygiene Road Safety

Successful Lifesaving Campaign at Santhi Nikethan School, Byappanahalli, Bangalore

we have successfully conducted the eighth GiveWay Foundation’s lifesaving campaign of the year 2023 at Santhi nikethan school Byappanahalli Bangalore. We have created awareness to around 40 students about the importance of giving way to Ambulance, Road safety and Traffic rules followed by provide hygiene kit. Thanks to school Management for giving a great opportunity […]