Give way Foundation

CategoriesEducation Health

Successful Lifesaving Campaign at Bandappacolony Slum, New Byappanahalli, Bangalore

we have conducted the sixth GiveWay Foundation’s lifesaving campaign of the year 2022 Successfully along with Traffic warden organization at Bandappacolony slum, New Byappanahalli Bangalore and we have provided 200 masks. And thanks to our team member and also Traffic warden In-charge Mr. Om Prakash for coordinating between GiveWay Foundation and Traffic warden organization. Great […]

CategoriesEducation Health

Successful Completion of Fourth Lifesaving Campaign at BBMP High School

we have successfully conducted the fourth GiveWay Foundation’s lifesaving campaign of the year 2022 at BBMP High school at Murphy town, Halasur, Bangalore. We have created awareness to around 40 students and teachers about preventive measures to battle Coronavirus, Importance of giving way to Ambulance, and about Road safety and Traffic rules. We wholeheartedly thank […]

CategoriesEducation Health

Successful Lifesaving Campaign at Government Tamil Higher Primary School

we have successfully conducted the second GiveWay Foundation’s lifesaving campaign of the year 2022 at Government Tamil Higher primary school at Murphy town, Halasur, Bangalore. We have created awareness to around 30 students and teachers about preventive measures to battle Coronavirus, Importance of giving way to Ambulance, and about Road safety and Traffic rules. We […]

CategoriesCOVID-19 Health Hygiene

Successful Coronavirus Awareness Campaign at Trinity Circle and Metro Station

we have conducted 5th awareness campaign about CORONAVIRUS and distribute the pamphlets with preventive measures on behalf of GiveWay Foundation with Halasur traffic police department at Trinity circle and front of Trinity metro station Bangalore successfully. Thank you so much to Halasur traffic police officials Inspector Mr Vijay, and our team members Mr Srinivas, Master […]

CategoriesCOVID-19 Health

Successful Completion of 6th Coronavirus Awareness Campaign with Halasur Traffic Police Department

we have conducted 6th awareness campaign about CORONAVIRUS and JANATA CURFEW and distribute the pamphlets with preventive measures on behalf of GiveWay Foundation with Halasur traffic police department at Trinity circle Bangalore successfully. Thank you so much to Halasur traffic police Inspector Mr Vijay for inviting us and great thanks to our wonderful team members […]

CategoriesCOVID-19 Health

Successful Coronavirus Awareness Campaign at Indiranagar Metro Station

we have conducted 4th awareness campaign about CORONAVIRUS and distribute the pamphlets with preventive measures on behalf of GiveWay Foundation with Halasur traffic police department at inside the Indiranagar metro station Bangalore successfully. Thank you so much to Halasur traffic police officials, Inspector Mr Vijay, Sub inspector Mr Demaappa, assistant sub inspector Mr Jayaraj, constable […]